Thanks to all the clubs that took part in the IBU Simultaneous Pairs events during the week of 2-6 November.

We are pleased to present the full results for each of the days. Well done to all those who featured in the rankings.

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday

Thanks again to our expert analysts Paul Delaney (Monday and Tuesday), Brian Senior (Wednesday and Thursday), and Hilary McDonagh (Dowling-Long, Friday) for their invaluable commentaries. We hope that your members enjoyed the competitions and that you’ll sign up again for the CBAI Simultaneous Pairs in February. Having been through this exercise online once now, we are sure we’ll all find everything a lot easier to manage next time around; apologies again to the clubs that couldn’t complete their events on the Monday because of system failures within BBO. Doing this online has also had the result of saving a lot of the normal paper usage!