Feedback is that everyone really enjoyed the return of the 4Fun Teams competition, which was held for the first time since covid in Westmanstown on Saturday. We had a very healthy entry of 29 teams, with ten of our thirteen regions represented. We hope to see even bigger numbers back next season, along with a return to tradition that the teams dress up in their county colours. This is a very important event within the CBAI calendar, as it introduces our less experienced players, particularly Novices, to team-of-four events in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. It also allows them to benefit from the guidance and expertise of their more experienced partners; our thanks to all the Master players who give freely of their time in this cause. Several of our regions now hold regional qualifiers, to provide the opportunity for fun, and development, at the local level too. If your region doesn’t do this, have a word with your Regional Committee and see what might be done next season.

The winners were:

  • 1st Place (and winners of the Frank & Brenda Kelly Trophy): Dublin North – Mary Reid, Orla Duffy, Helen Ahern, Marian Smyth
  • 2nd Place: Cavan – Paddy McDermott, Mykola Mits, Sinead McCann, Melissa Brady
  • 3rd Place: Dublin South – Perdita Quinlan, Blanaid Mehigan, Margaret Whitla, Darina Galvin

  4Fun Teams Winners 2023 – Dublin North

4Fun Teams Runners-Up 2023 – Cavan

4Fun Teams Playing Room 2023

Our thanks to our TDs Fearghal O’Boyle and Mairead Basquille, and to Martin Brady for hosting in the absence of CBAI President Pat O’Mahony.

Unfortunately, Ireland had no joy in the final home international championship of the season, the Teltscher (Senior Camrose) Trophy in Wales, where England completed a clean sweep of all the competitions for the season.