We are sad to report the death of Ríona Carolan, a stalwart of Ardee Bridge Club, current club President, and the recipient of the CBAI President’s Merit Award in 2013.

For many years, Ríona worked selflessly and tirelessly to promote Bridge in Ardee. She was instrumental in setting up beginners’ bridge classes in the club and happily volunteered her time to help run them, assisting the teacher however she could. She would be at the bridge club, every Tuesday night come “hail, rain or shine” to ensure everything ran smoothly at the lessons. Arriving well in advance of starting time, Ríona would set up the playing area, organising the tables, chairs, cloths, cards, bidding boxes, as well as tea and biscuits for later in the evening – always offering kind encouragement and imparting her knowledge with a smile.

Her efforts did not stop at assisting with the bridge classes, however. Ríona was the main driving force behind the growth and expansion of classes in the club over the years. Table numbers at the club grew largely due to Ríona’s efforts. At the start of each season, she would personally contact previous season players and beginners to encourage them to resume improvers’ lessons and join the club. She worked tirelessly to advertise the classes, and personally contacted potential new recruits to the game. Every season, there were eight to twelve new students who would not have been there but for her persistence. Her efforts have also helped bring in new members in various clubs in the surrounding area, such as Kingscourt, Carrickmacross and Dundalk.

We send our sincere condolences to Ríona’s family and friends, especially her bridge friends, who will miss her very much. Her funeral is tomorrow, 18 January,  in the Chruch of the Immaculate Conception, Kingscourt, at 10 am.