Many thanks to those who attended the Annual General Meeting of the CBAI in the Hilton Hotel, Malahide, on Saturday 6 July. It was very helpful to hear the views of the members on the main issues of relevance to the Irish bridge community. The game of bridge afterwards was enjoyed by all and raised very useful funds for the Malahide St Vincent de Paul. Our thanks to new President Catherine Byrne and her team from Dublin North, particularly Norma Madden, Mary Breen, and Eamon Galligan, for their organisation of the day.

The appointed officers of the Association for the 2024/25 season are:

  • President – Catherine Byrne (Dublin North Region)
  • President-Elect – John Phelan (South Eastern Region)
  • Vice-President – Martin Brady
  • Honorary Secretary – Linda O’Riordan
  • Honorary Treasurer – Brendan Martin

Catherine Byrne receiving the chain of office from Gordon Lessells