The Regent Bridge Club will run its annual Open Leagues again in 2024/25, and all are welcome. There will be separate competitions for Regional Masters and above, for Area Masters, and for Intermediates. Matches will be played on Monday nights in the club premises on Waterloo Road, Dublin 4. Teams can consist of 4-7 players. You’ll find full details, including how to enter, here.

And a reminder that CBAI members are encouraged to enter the NIBU Online Leagues, for which entries close on 4 September. There are both Open and Intermediate competitions, and matches will be played on a Thursday on the RealBridge platform, using cameras and microphones to ensure the integrity of the format. The exact schedule will depend on the entry, but it is likely that there will be one match per month between October and May. Teams should consist of a core of four players, but any number of alternates may be drafted in as needed, provided they have not played for another team. Entries can be made via the NIBU website, with a closing date of 11 September. The cost of entry is £60/€72 per team, and players must be members of either the CBAI and/or the NIBU, and be eligible to represent Ireland under international rules. Full guidelines here.

CBAI members are also welcome to enter the BGB Gold Cup. Several of our teams have done well in recent years (we have one team still in this year’s competition, which has reached the quarter-final stage. You’ll find full details, including how to enter, here. The closing date for entries is 16 November.