Completing a busy weekend of bridge, we also had Galway Congress, restored to its long-time venue, the Ardilaun Hotel, but not at its traditional Easter weekend this year. The clash with the CBAI Novice & Intermediate Congress could not be avoided due to issues with dates at the Ardilaun, and thankfully both events would seem to have been well-attended.

The prizewinners were:

  • Mixed Pairs: Joan Kenny & Enda Glynn
  • Novice Pairs: Bilja Savic & Tara Prendiville
  • Intermediate Pairs: Mary Barrett & Maureen Ryan
  • Congress Pairs: Louise Mitchell & David Walsh
  • Congress Teams: Pat Quinn, BJ O’Brien, Peter Goodman, Aoife MacHale
  • Restricted Teams: Gerry McCague, James Ward, Patsy O’Donoghue, Patsy Hanbury
  • Open Pairs (various): Orla O’Carroll & Niamh Liddy-Collins; Marie Hackett & Sheila Smyth; Anne McElwain & Connie McGoey; Declan Harte & Margaret McCarthy; Eileen Brennan & Margaret Barron

Our thanks to the Galway Congress organisers, especially Louise Mitchell, David Walsh, and Fiona Place, and to TD Diarmuid Reddan for running all the events.