We are very sad to announce the sudden death of Aidan Hodgers. Aside from being a very popular bridge player in the Regent, Donore, and Gate bridge clubs, and around the Drogheda area generally, Aidan played a vital role within the CBAI as the publisher, over many years, of our annual Newsletter, originally in printed form, latterly as an online publication. A printer by trade, Aidan enjoyed this annual foray into his former life, and gave it his devoted attention every year when the time came around.

Aidan was a keen music fan, and until illness took its toll on him, his guitar playing was at the heart of many singsongs after bridge functions. The legendary ones in the small bar at the Donegal Congress will live long in the memories of those participating. He was a kind and courteous man, who bore a debilitating condition with great patience and good-humour. None of the CBAI staff can ever remember Aidan being in bad form. As a measure of his kind disposition, he took the time to drive from Drogheda to Templeogue to present outgoing Chief Executive Paul Porteous with a carefully-chosen book to mark his retirement a couple of years ago.

He is survived by his wife Ann and his daughter Emma, and we offer our sincere condolences to all Aidan’s family and friends. May he rest in peace. Funeral arrangements.