Reminder – Closing Dates for Trials Entries

A reminder to any members contemplating playing in the CBAI’s international trials that the closing date for entries for two of them is imminent. Entries for the Camrose Trials (to be held in Dublin on 6-8 September) close on next Friday 9 August, and entries...

Pre-Qualifier Trials & Some Bridge Developments

A reminder that entries for the Pre-Qualifier Trials close this Friday, 12 July. These trials are aimed at players with fewer than the 100 National Points required to enter the regular trials, and have been popular since they were introduced two years ago. The trials...


Many thanks to those who attended the Annual General Meeting of the CBAI in the Hilton Hotel, Malahide, on Saturday 6 July. It was very helpful to hear the views of the members on the main issues of relevance to the Irish bridge community. The game of bridge...