IBU Mixed & Senior Trials Notices 2023/24

Here are the notices for the international trials to select Irish Bridge Union teams for the European Mixed and Senior Teams Championships to be held in Herning, Denmark, from 24 June – July 4, 2024, and for the corresponding events in the World Bridge Games to...

IBU Simultaneous Pairs – Results & Masterpoints

Thanks to all the clubs who supported the IBU Simultaneous Pairs in the first week of November. This makes a substantial contribution every year to the Irish Bridge Union (the confederation of the CBAI and the NIBU responsible for all-Ireland teams for international...

Master Pairs 2023 – Results

The CBAI’s Master Pairs competition was held over the weekend of 9/10 December. Thanks to our new sponsors, ALHomecare, whose Managing Director, Tom Quinlan, attended the Sunday session of the event to introduce his firm to CBAI members, and to join the presentation...

Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Week 2023

Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Commentary Thursday/Friday 7/8 December Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Commentary Wednesday 6 December Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Commentary Tuesday 5 December Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Commentary Monday 4 December...