The Keep Bridge Alive project being run by Professor of Sociology at the University of Stirling in Scotland (and Scottish international bridge player) Samantha Punch has been rebranded as “Bridge: A Mindsport for All” (BAMSA). The key goals of the project are to work in collaboration with bridge organisations to use research to transform the image of bridge, to increase participation across all ages, and to enhance the sustainability of bridge as a mindsport that connects people and challenges their minds. Details of the current projects being undertaken in support of those goals are here.
The project has recently produced a short video, Why Play Bridge? What Makes Bridge Brilliant, which may be found here. Hopefully, it will not be too long before we are back to face-to-face bridge (and hand-shaking!) as seen in the video. In addition, the researchers are interested in learning how bridge players have responded to the challenges to the game presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions, which they will collate in an effort to provide insights into the short- and longer-term impacts on the bridge community. You can email your views to or for more information see the BAMSA website. Responses don’t need to be long and can be structured as you wish. So please consider responding yourself, and bring this to the attention of any fellow bridge players that you think might be prepared to help.
Another survey, aimed specifically at club representatives and bridge teachers, is being run by Kevin Judge, who is a PhD student involved in the project. The aim of Kevin’s research is to develop an understanding of how bridge clubs promote themselves, and encourage, develop, and retain players. The survey may be found here (until 31 July) and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Participation is entirely voluntary, and all potential participants can receive full participant information detail by accessing the survey. Both the CBAI and the IBU are pleased to support the research effort, and we would therefore encourage relevant parties (bridge club secretaries, or organisers, and teachers) to share their views to enable Kevin and his colleagues to form solid conclusions and develop effective proposals on how best to promote bridge. If anyone has any questions on this research project as a whole, any issues accessing the survey, or any suggestions on how it might be improved, Kevin will be happy to help, and can be contacted by email.