Members are hereby notified that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland will take place in the Hilton Hotel, Malahide (Northern Cross), on Saturday 6 July, starting at 2 p.m. All members are entitled to attend, and there will be the traditional game of bridge afterwards for anyone who wants to play.

Members may also submit motions (formally “resolutions”) to the AGM. Any such motion must be signed by a proposer and a seconder (each of whom must be a member of the Association), and must be delivered in writing (which includes via email) to the Honorary Secretary or another Officer of the Association, no less than six weeks before the date of the AGM. The closing date for receipt of such motions for this year is thus midnight on Friday 24 May. The Honorary Secretary’s contact details are: Mrs Linda O’Riordan, Lissacreasig, Macroom, Co Cork P12 WE09; email.

The AGM will also elect the officers of the Association for the 2024/25 season. In all cases the incumbents are eligible and willing to continue – Martin Brady as Vice-President, Linda O’Riordan as Honorary Secretary, and Brendan Martin as Honorary Treasurer. Nominations for any of these positions, suitably proposed and seconded by members of the Association, must be received by the Honorary Secretary (details as above) no later than midnight on Friday 14 June.