Thanks to CBAI National President Gordon Lessells for suggesting, and then very kindly hosting, a special brainstorming session on congresses in University of Limerick last weekend. Gordon wanted to give something back to the congress organisers for the hospitality he has received during his presidential term, and felt an idea-sharing session amongst organisers and CBAI representatives about how to promote congresses better, increase attendances, and provide an enhanced product to congress attendees would be a good way of expressing his gratitude. We had representatives from Clonmel, Cork, Drogheda, Ennis, Galway, IBU Seniors, Kenmare, Killarney (which may reappear soon), Limerick, Sligo, Tralee, and Waterford congresses, as well as the CBAI’s Treasurer and Chief Executive, and there was a very lively debate, with plenty of good ideas forthcoming. Several of these ideas are being worked on and should be ready for the 2024/25 season. We would encourage all our members to support the CBAI congresses, which provide competitive bridge in a fun and friendly setting – all the dates and venues are on our website. And if your club is contemplating an away weekend next season, why not look at a suitable congress for your solution. You’ll get to mingle with lots of bridge players and make new friends, and the bridge will be better, with competitions for all grades, than if you go solo as a club. You’ll be very welcome.


Peter Pigot is hosting special mid-summer bridge seminars on 17 and 18 July in St Paul’s Hall, Adelaide Road, Glenageary. These will consist of two all-day events with lunch included, and an evening session for club players. Contact Peter on (086) 8146230 with any queries.







Finally, another bridge player has joined the ranks of published authors, following in the footsteps of Mary Stanley, Sarah Gilmartin, Betty Cody, and others. Tony O’Gallagher has recently published a debut novel, entitled Clanwe Yashpack, published by Novum Publishing. According to the author, the book “mixes sensible science fiction with social commentary in a jaunt through future world events. There is even a little bridge thrown in!” Copies are available from Amazon and Waterstones, and other bookshops near you, and the author will be pleased to receive feedback or to supply a copy if you can’t locate one elsewhere.