We are sad to announce the death of World Bridge Federation President Jan Kamras, after an illness. Although he may not be known to many CBAI members, Jan did an enormous amount for bridge in the last fifteen years or so, in a variety of executive positions. As President first of the European Bridge League, and then of the World Bridge Federation, he dedicated himself to improving the services of those bodies in two key ways – firstly, by doing everything he could to eliminate cheating, which had become a blight, from the top-level of the game, and secondly, by eliminating waste and unnecessary expense and providing better value for money for the national federations for their financial contribution to the EBL and the WBF, through better governance, greater democracy, and more efficient international competitions.

A very good player himself, and a former NPC of the Swedish national team, he served with tireless dedication and great passion throughout, even when illness took its toll in recent years, and he will be a very hard act to follow. We extend our sympathies to Jan’s family and friends. May he rest in peace.

WBF Tribute