Peter Pigot has two seminars coming up that may be of interest – one aimed at advanced players, the other for intermediates.
The advanced one is on Monday 18 July at 1:45 p.m. with the topic “Expert Bidding Agreements”, covering the following issues:
- Openings in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seats
- Raises in competition – constructive, trump, and courtesy
- Forcing Pass positions
- Coping with weak jump-overcalls
- System over System
- Doubles – takeout, values, penalty, lead-directing
- High level agreements
- Natural competitive decision making
- And more by advance request
The intermediate one is on Tuesday 19 July at 1:45 p.m. with the topic “Rebids & Responses, & Some Defensive Carding Agreements”, covering the following issues:
- Rebids & Responses
- The thinking behind opening the bidding
- Rules for responder
- Showing both SHAPE and VALUE
- Using the “levels”
- Forcing and limit bids
- Pass – the best bid in bridge!
- Balanced, single-suited, and two-suited hands
- Putting it all together … slam hands
- Some Defensive Carding Agreements
- Attitude situations
- Giving Partner count
- When to show suit preference
- Basic discarding agreements
- And more by request
Both seminars cost €30, and will involve a Zoom introduction, play on RealBridge, and then a return to Zoom for analysis and discussion. Contact Peter on 086-8146230 or by email to sign up.