The results are in, and almost 400 CBAI members have been upgraded as a consequence of the summer’s masterpoint run. There isn’t space to acknowledge them all, but you’ll find the full listing here. (It does not include Novices who went up to Intermediate B by virtue of their novice period of five years being exceeded, or promotions within a grade – e.g. from Intermediate A2 to A1.) Many congratulations to all these players on their achievement, and we hope that their club will be able to acknowledge it in some way.

One individual does need to be singled out for special attention, however, as we have our 37th CBAI Grand Master, in the person of David Walsh from Galway. David is part of a well-known Irish bridge family, son of the late Paddy, and nephew of the redoubtable Una. He took up bridge properly while in college, along with several other card games!

He is a multiple national champion, with victories in the Holmes Wilson Trophy, Revington Cup, Geraldine Trophy, Kelburne Cup, and Master Pairs to his name, and has represented Ireland in the Camrose Trophy on many occasions, including once as NPC. His most notable partnership is the current one with CiarĂ¡n Coyne, to whom he gives particular thanks for his patience and calm temperament, but he has also won major titles with both Tom Hanlon and Gay Keaveney, and has represented Ireland with Louise Mitchell and Enda Glynn.

David and his wife Orla have four children, which keeps them both very busy. He has a keen interest in sports, with hurling and rugby to the fore. We are sure you will join us in congratulating David on his ascension to the highest rank within Irish bridge.