Simultaneous Pairs Results
Thanks to all the clubs who supported both the IBU Simultaneous Pairs in the first week of November and the new Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs in the first week of December. The former makes a substantial contribution every year to the Irish Bridge Union (the confederation of the CBAI and the NIBU responsible for all-Ireland teams for international events); the latter was a new departure, which, while not quite as well supported as we had hoped, nevertheless raised €1,000 for the very good cause of junior bridge.
It is a pleasure to be able to pay prizes to the leading pairs again after a two-year gap due to covid. You’ll find the prizewinners here – IBU Sims Celtic Nations Sims. The prizes will be paid shortly, as a first option to the club bank account where we have one, and by other more old-fashioned means where we don’t. We will let the relevant club secretary know that the transfer is coming in those cases. Well done to all the winners and thanks again to all who played in these events; our feedback is that players really enjoy them. Your next opportunity will be in the CBAI Simultaneous Pairs week at the beginning of February; unfortunately, the Monday of that week is now a bank holiday, courtesy of the government acknowledging St Brigid’s Day, so some clubs that traditionally played will not be able to do so. We will keep that under review for future years.
Year-End Regrades
The year-end masterpoint run for national events played in the first half of the season saw a number of players regraded. You’ll find the complete list here. Many congratulations to them all. Their club secretaries have been informed of their promotion, which takes effect from 1 January 2023. The only exception is a competition in which they have already played at their former grade – e.g. an ongoing inter-club league, or a national event with a preceding local qualifying event. Otherwise, they are eligible to play only at their new higher grade.